Joe Biden is surpassing his predecessors in the executive order

Joe Biden is surpassing his predecessors in the executive order


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Joe Biden is surpassing his predecessors in the executive order

New President Joe Biden is ahead of former US presidents in terms of executive action.

No other president has taken so much executive action in such a short time as Biden.

Despite emphasizing bipartisan unity before and after coming to power, Biden is exercising his executive power because of the US Senate's slowness in taking action. At the same time, it gave impetus to the new administration but raised questions about the democratic structure.

CNN Reports that the presidents who have been in power in the United States for a long time are facing a crisis. And that is, they face a kind of structural hurdle on the part of the Congress in implementing any decision. As a result, it became difficult to sort out the administration. In this case, the presidents took some unilateral decisions immediately after taking power to avoid the procrastination of the Congress. These steps taken through executive orders, memoranda and declarations ensure the dynamism of the new administration. At the same time, the president has to be criticized for such steps

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